Dec 13, 2008

Been awhile

Aloha everyone! I's been a while since I contributed to our WAHM blog site!

Some updates...I have my four step children living with me now, which brings the total to 6 keiki (thank goodness for school!) lol

Went and seen the Dr. Sears lecture on was so amazing and great to hear all the wonderful info he had to share=) Hope some of you got to go as well!

I've also started, "Moby Wrap Mommy Meet-ups" at various stores on O`ahu

Next week Wednesday the 17th I'll be at Hot Mama Maternity store in Kaimuki behind 'Town' restaurant from 9:30-10:30. Then at Baby aWEARness in Manoa from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Friday the 19th I'll be on the windward side at the Little Sprouts organic baby store from 9:30-10:30 a.m. then to Windward Mall at the Little People Hawai`i store next to Border's from 11:00 a.m.-12 p.m.

I hope to see some of you there and Merry Christmas, God bless and best wishes for your businesses!


Dec 11, 2008

PB & J Pinwheels

Mmmm...this peanut butter and jelly sandwich roll is a yummy, easy snack for hungry kids after school or even a great breakfast treat when served up with fresh fruit.

You'll need:

  • Slices of soft, whole wheat bread (2 slices make 1 pinwheel roll)
  • Spoonful of peanut butter for each bread
  • Your favorite jelly
  • Cinnamon (optional)
Follow these directions:
  • Cut the crust off bread.
  • Spread peanut butter and jelly on bread.
  • Lay 2 bread slices end to end so they touch.
  • Roll up the first slice and continue rolling up the second slice to make 1 big roll.
  • Wrap plastic wrap around the roll of bread and refrigerate 1 hour to set.
  • Take rolls out of refrigerator and the plastic wrap and slice your roll into 4 pieces (about thumb thickness).
  • Put slices on a cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven.
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until lightly golden brown and crisp.
  • If you like, sprinkle with a little cinnamon.
Other suggestions:
  • Spread with peanut butter and honey.
  • Spread with cream cheese.

Dec 9, 2008

Mini Stuffed Christmas Ornaments

With a lot of grunting and groaning, we managed to get our Christmas tree up and positioned with a leftward lean to it displaying our tree's slightly insolent attitude. That cheekiness will be fixed right away once we get to the fun part - decorating! Out of our box of ornaments comes many years of baubles and knick-knacks either purchased, given as gifts or handmade and with it comes many warm memories of Christmases past. Our tree is a "tree of history" with it's mismatched trimmings and unconventioanl style. (I've resigned to the fact that I will never have an elegant looking tree themed with stylish gold ribbons and classy crystal ornaments.)

One ornament, the red dog above, has been in use for a few years now and is one of my daughter's favorite. It was made out of scrap fabric, stuffing, ribbons and felt pieces. The cherries and the worm are made in the same way. Santa is a felt guy and another story. My daughter has requested that we make a few more of these mini stuffed ornaments and I'll share the how-to with you. It's basically a bunch of "stuffed balls" glued together and its really simple to make.
Scrap Fabric
Glue Gun


1. Cut out circles using a cup, a small dish or the top of a spool of thread as a template. These pieces will become your animals torso, head and arms and legs.

2. Once you have your circles, sew a running stitch along the edge of the circle.

3. Pull the thread to gather up the sides, stuff, then tighten into a ball shape. Tie thread to secure.

4. Once you have all your balls, get your glue gun and glue the balls together, on the stitched side, to form your ornament. The dog was created by using a large round ball for the belly, a smaller ball for the head and tiny balls for the arms, legs and snout.

5. Cut out pieces of felt to make ears, eyes and nose. Glue into place.

6. Embellish with ribbons around the joints (i.e. neck) and sew a ribbon through the top of the doll to use as a hanger.

Experiment with different sized circles to make an assortment of ornaments. Simple huh? Have fun!

Dec 5, 2008


Definition: A female business owner who is actively balancing the role of mom and the role of entrepreneur.

I get so excited when I come across another mompreneur...especially one from Hawaii! Some women just know how to do it all! I'm not at that stage of commitment yet and I'm not sure if I will ever be but I like to dabble in "my moments" and get inspiration from the mom who is steadfast to the success of her business and devoted to her family's happiness. Too bad not all mompreneurs are a part of the Hawaii WAHMs group but still, I support these remarkable business entrepreneurs.

Ohana Mama Blog

Here's a mompreneur site that I recently came across. It's called Ohana Mama. Ohana Mama is currently having a Hawaiian Holiday Party and is giving away a bunch of wonderful gifts. This the list:


If you don't want to participate in the giveaway because you already have everything you want and need, I'd suggest that you stop by Ohana Mama's blog, read her interesting and informative posts and give her a "hula shake" of support.

Dec 4, 2008

Keiki Gifts, Crafts & Activities: Re-Introduction

Aloha! Thank you for visiting me here on the Hawaii WAHMs Blog. As I've announced on my Keiki Gifts, Crafts and Activities Blog, I have decided to continue my blog posts here on the Hawaii WAHMs Blog where I am a contributing writer. My Hawaii WAHM gang has always been here to support me through my struggles and growth and I'd like to thank them for this partnership. For those looking for a variety of interesting topics to read about, I believe here is the place to be because we have a swell team of writers and lots of things to talk about.

I look forward to making new friends here and to my old "followers" thank you for your continued support. Mahalo!

Archived Keiki Gifts Blog Posts

***Keiki Gifts, Crafts & Activities***

Dec 2, 2008

We Live In Paradise

Join us for our first Hawaii WAHMs blog carnival. The first edition of our blog carnival is titled: A Hawaii Carnival because we live in paradise and we would like to celebrate it! If you don't live in Hawaii, you can join us too.

What is a blog carnival? Well it's a way for us to collect blog articles on a particular topic and share it with our community by putting it all together in what is called a "carnival".

The rules are simple...

  • Send us information on your blog post that has anything to do with Hawaii. It could be about your Hawaii vacation, a local Hawaii community activity or event you have attended or stories about living in Hawaii and loving Hawaii.
  • Submit your link by December 31, 2008.
  • Look for your story on January 7, 2009. It will be posted right here on our Hawaii WAHMs blog.
Join in our the conversation here.

Nov 21, 2008

Too Good to Be True

Here's an article I thought I'd share with you...

By Seth Godin

You probably don't need to read this, but I bet you know people who do. Please feel free to repost or forward:

Times are tough, and many say they are going to be tougher. That makes some people more focused, it turns others desperate.

You may be tempted at some point to try to make a million dollars. To do it without a lot of effort or skill or risk. Using a system, some shortcut perhaps, or mortgaging something you already own.

There are countless infomercials and programs and systems that promise to help you do this. There are financial instruments and investments and documents you can sign that promise similar relief from financial stress.


There are four ways to make a million dollars. Luck. Patient effort. Skill. Risk.

(Five if you count inheritance, and six if you count starting with two million dollars).

Conspicuously missing from this list are effortless 1-2-3 systems that involve buying an expensive book or series of tapes. Also missing are complicated tax shelters or other 'proven' systems. The harder someone tries to sell you this solution, the more certain you should be that it is a scam. If no skill or effort is required, then why doesn't the promoter just hire a bunch of people at minimum wage and keep the profits?

There are literally a million ways to make a good living online, ten million ways to start and thrive with your own business offline. But all of these require effort, and none of them are likely to make you a million dollars.

Short version of my opinion: If someone offers to sell you the secret system, don't buy it. If you need to invest in a system before you use it, walk away. If you are promised big returns with no risk and little effort, you know the person is lying to you. Every time.

About the Author

Seth Godin writes the most popular marketing blog in the world, is the author of the bestselling marketing books of the last decade, speaks to large groups on marketing, new media and what's next, and is the founder of, a fast-growing recommendation website.

Oct 1, 2008

Is Your Child's Booster Seat Safe?

Booster seats are meant to improve the fit of a vehicle's safety belt so it fits properly on a young child thus protecting him/her from injuries in car crashes. However, a new study by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) determined that some booster seats may not provide the proper restraints for injury protection in a vehicle accident.

Out 41 seats tested by IIHS, 13 did not receive recommendations from the institute. These 13 include the following:

Not recommended:

  • Safety Angel Ride Ryte backless
  • Cosco/Dorel (Eddie Bauer) Summit
  • Graco CarGo Zephyr
  • Evenflo Big Kid Confidence
  • Cosco/Dorel Traveler
  • Compass B505
  • Compass B510
  • Evenflo Generations
  • Dorel/Safety 1st (Eddie Bauer) Prospect
  • Cosco Highback Booster
  • Cosco/Dorel Alpha Omega
  • Evenflo Chase Comfort Touch
  • Safety 1st/Dorel Intera
To read more and find out if your booster seat is on the "best bet" list, go to the IIHS Web site.
For proper seat belt fit, go here.

Hawaii's Booster Seat Law:

As parents and care givers, we know that Hawaii has a booster seat law that requires children between the ages of four through seven to ride in booster seats. Your child is exempt if he/she is over 4'9" or if your rear seats have has "lap only" seat belts. According to Hawaii's Department of Transportation's Web site, a child "should be restrained in a booster seat until they are big enough to fit in an adult seat belt (approximately 80 lbs. and 4’9’’ tall)."

Help keep our keiki safe.

Sep 22, 2008

Finding Peace in Your Day

Yesterday my daughter and I attended the 2008 Peace Day Ceremony at the State Convention Center. My daughter and her school mates had the opportunity to perform songs that they had learned in music class. It was a meaningful ceremony with motivational and touching speeches and wonderful performances.

Leaving after the beautiful candle light ceremony, I felt uplifted and inspired to living a more peaceful life - until I encountered the drive home. "Peace" after all, is a more than just happy thinking. Peace means accepting the things that you cannot change, courage and optimism in the things that you can change, hopefulness, promise, potential, desires, dreams, aspirations, harmony, goodwill, friendship, kindness, unity, concern, generosity...

and for me particularly...
...healthy family
...happy kids
...being safe
...a beautiful day
...a good night's sleep
...clean clothes

Hopefully, in my own little ways, I can spread peace. Maybe I'll start by dealing with traffic in a more benevolent way.

What does peace mean to you?

Sep 17, 2008

Work At Home Moms Time Management Tips

"How do you DO it?!" If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I would be able to quit my home business.

Just kidding.

Seriously, time management is a serious issue for work from home Moms. You want your home business to be a success, but you don't want the rest of your responsibilities to fall by the wayside... especially your children, who are the reason you chose to work from home in the first place.

While you're probably already doing some of the obvious things like taking advantage of naptimes and bedtime, I hope you find some additional ideas from the following time management tips to make things easier for you while working from home and caring for young children.

Time Management for your Home Business

Have a clear purpose when you go online

Whenever you go to your computer, have a definite purpose in mind. It helps to keep a notebook by your computer always with your goals and to-do lists in it, all in once place. This helps prevent you from aimlessly checking email or surfing the net and getting lost. Know what you need to accomplish, write it down, do it, and move on to the next activity.

Outsource as many tasks as you can afford Consider hiring a virtual assistant if you have a lot of administrative tasks. Or pay your kids to do things for you that are age appropriate. This can even be a tax deductible expense. Check with your accountant.

Analyze your activities

Think about the steps you engage yourself in with your business and see if those tasks are really paying off for you. A lot of work at home Moms do things like join safelists, traffic exchanges and other activities that most internet marketing experts agree are not the best use of your time. Ask people who are where you want to be in your business how they manage their time. Just because something is free doesn't mean you should be spending time doing it.

The best $20 you can spend on your business

That may be the money you spend hiring a Mommy's helper to come over and play with your children for several hours. It's amazing what you can get done during that time. Plus, your kids usually get worn out from all the fun and take longer naps. Everybody wins!

Think Assembly Line

In other words, group similar activities together. Don't check your email all day, check it two or 3 times a day (at most) and answer all the emails at the same time. When you want to make changes to your website, list them all and wait until you need to make several changes at once. When one child asks for a story gather them all around. Same thing for snacks. Run all your errands at once.

Utilize Technology

Get wireless internet and a laptop if at all possible. This can make a drastic improvement in your ability to work online around your children. You can sit on the front porch and work on your website while your kids play in the yard. Or you can drop them off at a friend's house and head to Starbucks and get online!

Use autoresponders, mailing lists and other resources to automate your business. If you find yourself typing out answers to the same questions over and over again, add pages to your website or create an ecourse or downloadable report that addresses those topics and refer your customers or downline or whomever to those.

Household time management

Simplify meal preparation and shopping

That doesn't mean you spend a lot of extra money on convenience foods that aren't good for you. But do make simple meals that even your children can help you prepare. Use your crock pot. Collect recipes that require few ingredients and no elaborate preparation.

Have a good routine for making menus and shopping. In the long run, extra trips to the store for that missing ingredient is costing you time and money. Most families eat the same 10 or so favorite dishes over and over. Enlist the help of your family to figure out what those favorites are, print up the ingredients into a shopping list, and take that to the store. Have the list posted on the fridge to mark things off as they're used up.

Get your kids to help out around the house more. Here are more work from home Mom house cleaning tips

General Mom time management tips

Identify time wasters in your day

It's a different thing for everyone. Maybe it's the TV, maybe it's friends calling to chat in the middle of the day. Maybe it's activities that seem necessary but that really aren't productive, like posting a lot in message forums. Whatever it is, identify it and eliminate it if possible, or at least manage it. Use your voicemail, and call people back when it's a better time for you. Figure out if watching Oprah or the Apprentice is really adding value to your life or just wasting your time.

Make a timer your best friend

A timer has so many uses. You can set it to tell your child when you'll be available for them. Young children have difficulty comprehending time, and the timer will set them at ease so they won't bug for you that entire period.

It also keeps you on track and helps you finish up tasks more quickly. Use it when you're reading email, cleaning house, whenever you want to accomplish something fast.

Have a Routine

Having a routine for your household chores and business activities can really help Moms with time management. When you have a good routine, you can do things without thinking, and they always take up less time that way. Keep your routines written down until they're memorized. Use an organizing calender or digital system...whatever works best for you. Make sure everyone else in your household knows the basics of your routine so that things flow more smoothly.

Set limits

No one person can do everything. Your time and energy is valuable and you need to be firm in setting limits on how you spend it. Don't commit to things that you can't reasonably accomplish. Get enough rest. Learn to say No. Avoid negative people who like to whine.

As Moms we're constantly working on time management, but with creativity and good routines, we can have a thriving business and a balanced life.

Article Source:

About the Author

Carrie Lauth is a work from home Mom of 3, a homebirth advocate, breastfeeding counselor and homeschooler. In her free time she enjoys a good book and anything involving espresso. » Read more articles by Carrie Lauth

Sep 14, 2008

Shopping and Swapping Groups

When I started my direct sales business in 2006, I soon discovered another method to network with other WAHMs - shopping and swapping groups. Most of my experiences in the groups have been great.

So what is a shopping or swapping group? In short the norm is that consultants are put into buying groups and take turns as Consultant of the month. So depending on group size you get one to a half-dozen purchases when it's your turn as COTM. Group rules vary and buying minimums and deadlines vary as well: $10 min, $15 min, $25 min and build a downline, compete with your ads/sales to get shoppers no guarantees for a grab, and on and on.

Through trial and yes even a little error - I've discovered the best for my needs are Grab groups and Swap groups. In a grab group every consultant gets grabbed by someone else in the group - so you make one purchase monthly for the minimum amount. It's a neat way to try out products from other companies, network and meet other direct sales folk/WAHMs from across the country and build a little volume. Sometimes your grabber will spend more than the minimum - so that's where you may have a positive benefit to your personal sales volume. My favorite is Home Shopping Club with only a minimum $10 purchase monthly.

The other type of swapping group I've had great experiences on is Direct Sales Swap and Trade. In this trading group - each member is required to list or grant a minimum of five items monthly. Items might be new items or unopened discontinued merchandise that is collecting dust in your own inventory. You can even list used /white elephant type items like that DVD you bought and only watched once. You list or grant items at your own set value -- this value should include what you feel is fair for the item (retail or sale value) plus shipping (which you will out of pocket to send the item on). When your listed items are grabbed - you will receive a "trade credit" value to your own DSST bank which then allows you to grab items -- usually over 1000 listings from every direct sales company imaginable. Group moderators keep things in check by ensuring and monitoring that grabbed items are shipped and crediting/debiting from banks as appropriate.

If you try any of these types of groups out - start out slow to see if it really belongs in your marketing mix. Some of them have referral bonuses too - when you bring in new members and that could be HUGE for your month's volume just based on new member purchases or bonuses.

I've inherited a shopping group to moderate called Consultant-of-the-month Club - it is at a crossroads and needs some new energy - so we're toying with adjusting the rules to meet the needs of the remaining members and anyone new who'd like to join. One idea is to change from $10mo/6month cycle to a 4month cycle for more frequent COTM opportunities. I'd love feedback and questions about this topic.

Aug 29, 2008

Fresh Strawberry Mochi

I've been baby-sitting Maddie. She lives next door. She is so young and full of innocent exuberance and energy that she sometimes gets herself in trouble. She often spills her water, potties in the wrong place, tosses her toys out of reach and gets tangled up in all sort of things. Maddie is adorable! Now what does Maddie have to do with Fresh Strawberry Mochi?

Well, in a nice gesture of appreciation for my baby (doggie) sitting stint, Maddie's owner brought over some Fresh Strawberry Mochi made by Saturday Grandma's. As you can see from the photo, the strawberry centered Daifuku mochi is just very pretty when sliced in half.

Haven't eaten breakfast yet, I was quite excited to receive the mochi. I took a huge bite out of it and was not too sure whether I liked it or not. I loved the read bean filling but the strawberry was a little bit tart. I expected the taste of sweet mochi ice that's a thought! Does anyone make strawberry ice cream with azuki bean filling mochi? Anyhow, I realized that I had just brushed my teeth so maybe the minty toothpaste was distorting the flavor. Naturally, I needed another bite. The second bite, a good combination of both strawberry and red bean, was a little better but still minty-ish. I ate the whole thing anyway.

Of course, before writing this post, I needed to sample another mochi. This time, not expecting the flavor of strawberry ice cream and hoping not to taste mint toothpaste, the culinary experience was much more pleasant. The tarty sweetness is actually quite addicting. There are two more mochi's left but because my kids helped with the baby-sitting, I should be nice and save these for my helpers.

Saturday Grandma's Fresh Strawberry Mochi is located at 98-718 Moanalua Road Unit #A18 just west of Kaahumanu Street in Pearl City on the island of Oahu. Mochi is available for pick up on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12:00-5:00 pm and Saturday/Sunday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Orders must be placed 2 days in advance but walk-in purchases are welcome. Other flavors and products available. Phone: 808 484-0052.
From Wikipedia: Daifukumochi or Daifuku (literally "great luck"), is a Japanese confection consisting of a small round mochi (glutinous rice cake) stuffed with sweet filling, most commonly anko, sweetened red bean paste made from azuki beans.

Aug 28, 2008

Women Entreprenuers in Hawaii

From a July 2008 article in the Hawaii Business news comes this statement: Women entrepreneurs are thriving in Hawaii. According to the Center for Women’s Business Research, the state ranks third nationally for growth of women-owned businesses from 1997 to 2006.

The article discusses 3 stages of building a business:

  • Startup Phase
  • Growth Opportunities
  • Giving Back to the Community
Three women in different stages are interviewed and the challenge of each stage is discussed. If you'd like to read the article, please follow the link below. You will also find useful resource links to you help you with your own business.

The Phases of Business Building - Hawaii Business - July 2008 - Hawaii

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Aug 26, 2008

Pig's Feet Soup and Andagi Coming Soon!

This weekend I'm going to see my relatives at the 26th Okinawan Festival. My grandfather was one of the first Okinawan immigrants to arrive in Hawaii in the 1900's. He settled on Kauai, worked hard and built a future for himself and his family. At this time of the year, people from all over come together to learn about and celebrate the Okinawan heritage and culture.

The Okinawan festival is held each year at the Kapiolani Park and is a good-fun community event for the entire family. There are lots of Okinawan foods to try and many of the local favorites. I'm not one for pig's feet soup but I love the hot, crispy-soft andagi! This year I'm going to try the Champuru plate. Check out what else in on the menu.

Along with food, there are craft galleries and cultural information tents, games for kids and lots of entertainment. Parking in Waikiki always seem to be difficult so there is a shuttle service from Kapiolani Community College to the Kapiolani site and back. For more information, please visit the Festival Web site.

2008 26th Okinawan Festival

Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:30 am to 9:30 pm
Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

In appreciation of our Issei Pioneers, many of us now call Hawai'i our home. Hope to see you there.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Aug 18, 2008


Everyone has dreams about working from home. As work at home moms, we get many of our business ideas and inspiration from the things that we have passion for. For example, love that perfume...I bet I could get others to buy it too. Or, I know a lot about books - I'm sure I could promote reading and sell books. But as many experienced WAHMs know, loving a product or service does not make you a successful WAHM.

We have learned that an important element in success is market research. Start from the beginning and do your research. Find out what sells and what does not. You can start by doing research on the internet or even do a Google search on your product and see what kind of competition is out there. By finding about your competition, you'll be aware of the kind of promotion and work you need to do to get your name out into the public eye. Don't assume that your passion will drive others to buy your product. This is knowledge gained through our own personal experiences.

If only we had someone to tell us this in the beginning - before we started! Unfortunately, we don't have the daily support of colleagues and may find ourselves working alone most of the time. And like all parents we juggle the schedules of our family along with our work. When business does not live up to our expectations, we often feel like giving up and many of us do. We don't have encouragement from co-workers or bosses. We don't have the push for training or opportunities to better our skills and knowledge - everything comes from within. Our own commitment and desires push us forward. When you feel like you've hit a dead end, it can be very discouraging not to have answers and not knowing where to go from there.

It's important for WAHMs to network, share ideas and provide encouragement and feedback to each other. We hope if you're a WAHM here in Hawaii, you'll consider joining our group to share your area of expertise with us or maybe you could even learn a little here too.

If you're not a WAHM but know of resources where we can enrich ourselves in this ever changing business environment, we'd love to hear from you!

Thank you to those who read our blog! Thank you to our customers. You are our inspiration and our hope!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Aug 5, 2008

A Weekend in Waikiki

We just came back from a weekend stay in Waikiki. It was our summer vacation minus air travel (and luggage) prices. It turned out to be a wonderful vacation as we played tourist in Waikiki and enjoyed the fire dancers at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, friday night fireworks and the Hilton lagoon, beach and pool. We stayed away from fancy restaurants (awwww!) and shopping but did bus to the International Market Place, packed full of vendors. We also stopped by the Big Kahuna 3-D Golf in the Waikiki Shopping Plaza so the kids could play a round of mini golf for $5 each. Not a bad price considering that the kids got a thrill out of the tropical sounds and strange images popping out at them - and it took them more than the usual 10 seconds to play their 18 holes because the atmosphere excited them.

The best food deal of our trip was at the Wailana Coffee House on Ala Moana Blvd. My daughter describes it as a fancier Zippy's Restaurant. The lunch and dinner kid's meals were less than $3 and our kids chose hot dog with French fries & spaghetti with garlic bread. It included drinks plus the nice waitress let me get Jello from the salad bar as dessert. My husband had a Chinese chicken salad (diet) and I got the local special of teriyaki chicken and fried rice. Our entire order was no more than $25.

Now we're back home. The dog is back with us after a stay at grandma's and is delirious to see us. The cat, on the other hand, isn't showing much joy and 1 fish is dead. The kids are arguing with each other. The house is a mess and it's sooo hot! Vacation is over and things are right back to normal. Normal is nice...sometimes.

Hugs from Keiki Gifts

Tell a friend:

Jul 27, 2008

Been a while...sorry!

Hi everyone! So sorry it's been such a long time since I submitted a blog entry...

I actually started my own blog about choices for maternity care in Hawai`i:

After seeing the film, "The Business of Being Born" something inside me came alive and now I'm passionate about learning about birth and information that is not always easily available.

So aside from being the sales rep for Moby Wraps which is going very well=), the discussion leader over at, now I've become inthralled with birth!

Another project that I'm working on is, "The Business Case for Breastfeeding". If you are or know of a woman who would like to continue nursing/breastfeeding after returning to work and would like some help approaching their employer, please send me a note!

Here's some info regarding skin-to-skin from the brochure 'Clinical Benefits of the Moby Wrap Baby Carrier:

What is skin-to-skin? - "Skin-to-Skin" is contact between the baby's front and the mother's chest. Usually baby is in a diaper and parent or caregiver is bare-chested.

According to Dr. William Sears, practicing skin-to-skin and babywearing has benefits for the whole family:

  • Lowers baby's and mother's stress hormones
  • Increases baby's weight
  • Increases amount baby sleeps
  • Decreases amount baby cries
  • Helps prevent colic
  • Boosts mom's milk production
  • Increases baby's overall health

"The mother's skin is the baby's natural environment, and both physically and emotionally the healthiest place for it to be."-Dr. Nils Bergman

Jul 26, 2008

Introducing Plumerias & Butterflies

Aloha all,

As a member of Hawaii WAHMS, I have had the opportunity to meet many WAHMS here in Hawaii. You have all been an inspiration to me and I am now very confident to start and grow my new business.

I am a mother to 3 and nana to 1, each of them has been my inspiration to move forward in life no matter what speed bumps show up. They have each inspired me to get out there and find my niche. I finally found it creating my own pattern and style for Nappy Bags, blankets and baby ring slings.

Each of these items began and a need, improvements came from friends and fellow moms who wished they could've, should've and would've list of improvements.

I think I am finally comfortable with the group of products I have to offer and make a note that all items are custom made to order. I just bought an embroidery machine to offer additional services because who doesn't want a special item personalized.

I look forward to sharing, growing and meeting everyone here. Let's do this together and we can be stronger business people no matter what.

Check out my website and tell me what you think:

A Hui Hou,

Jul 25, 2008

Aloha Friday

Aloha Friday
Kailani at An Island Life is hosting her Aloha Friday question and we'd like to participate with our own question of the week.

Here is our question:
**What is the spookiest thing that has ever happened to you?

Just so you know, this question came to mind after reading the stories on Chicken Skin Kine, a Facebook group, moderated by our own Hawaii WAHM member.

Stop by An Island Life to join in on Kailani's Aloha Friday question and read her wonderful blog posts.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Jul 24, 2008

Wordless Thursday (Why Not?): Shoyu Mango

Shoyu Mango

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Jul 22, 2008

Big Brother IS Watching

Have you heard that the BETA version of is available now to anyone who may want to do a check on...anyone?  By entering a first name, last name and state you can start a search.  This service is available for free and may be a useful tool for those seeking information on a baby-sitter, house keeper, employee, etc.  

I know that in this day and age safety is a concern for everyone but I still find it weird to be able to go online and look into the background history of individuals you may or may not know.   My way of dealing with these issues, especially when it involves my children or my home, have been with caution and common sense - like do not let strangers into my home, keep my eyes on my kids, etc. but I know things happen and you can't control everything especially when personal information is given out or can be obtained with or without your consent.  Yet, the idea that someone can look into my history without asking or maybe just for the heck of it is somewhat like a personal invasion - not that I am hiding anything (!) - but it just feels strange.  I guess this shouldn't worry me because this kind of service is already available, maybe not so readily, but it is out there and much of it is public record.  I have been a good girl and if my name does appear with a record, it is NOT ME!

So then, what if the nice old neighbor that helps you out with the odds and ends around the house happens to show a history on the search site.  How would you handle that?   Do you believe in second chances?  Do you think people can change?  Do you believe once a criminal always a criminal?  

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Jul 21, 2008

Omarosa's Self Help Book for Women

I'm going to crush my competition and I'm going to enjoy doing it."
--Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth

We all know Omarosa as the contestant from Donald Trump's popular The Apprentice show.  She was the strong, opinionated woman with the tough negotiating skills that everyone hated  - some may  called her delusional - but still, she was the only contestant ever asked to re-appear on The Apprentice and is once again joining up with Mr. Trump to develop a show of her own. Her actions, especially her most recent spar with talk-show host Wendy Williams, may cause hype and buzz but will it help with the sale of her book "The Bitch Switch: Knowing How to Turn in On and Off"?

Omarosa hopes her book "will empower women who are being pushed around, walked on and/or looked over by people in their lives... to speak up or stand up to those people or things that are holding you back from achieving your full potential."

The Bitch Switch
will hit stores in September.  Are you willing to take a few lessons from Omarosa and buy her book?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Jul 14, 2008

New WAHM Social Network

Internet technology has brought us another way to network with like-minded individuals to develop relationships and meaningful connections with others. As many of us have learned in business class, networking is a key point in the growth of any business. Networking is also a great way to gain and give support to others in your specific industry.

A new Work at Home Mom (WAHM) support group has been created for the reasons mentioned above. This Facebook group welcomes WAHMs from all over. To learn about this group, please click here.

Become a member of this group, get involved and make friends along the way.

Also, don't forget about our own Hawaii WAHMs group.

Click here to join HawaiiWAHMs
Click to join HawaiiWAHMs

Sometimes isolation becomes a factor with WAHM businesses so having support from colleagues can help lead you to happiness and success.

Come join us!

Jul 8, 2008

Design-Your-Own Eco Friendly Madison Bag

The elusive and exclusive Madison Bags are here! Elusive because the only other place that you can get a custom made Madison Bag is from it's flagship store on Madison Avenue in New York City. Exclusive because this bag has not been accompanied by others and it has been designed solely and especially for you and by you.

Madison Bags come in 12 styles - hipsters, small totes, large totes, messenger bags and more. Mix and match from over an array of designer fabrics and high quality lining colors. Depending on the style, you have the option to use anywhere from one to 3 different fabrics to create the bag that is unique to your style. The handbags are $48 to $118. Madison Bags are sewn by home sewers as well as in it's facility that is fully powered by wind energy.

Because there is nothing like touching and mixing & matching the fabrics and hardware in person, Madison Bags cannot be ordered through a catalog or online. The fabrics change with the seasons and while some are retired others are staple elements in steady demand.

So you ask, "How can I order a bag?" Well the only way for you to get your custom made bag is to host a Madison Bag Purse Party through a consultant. Imagine throwing a bridal shower where everyone can design their own handbag to remember the special occassion. Or a baby shower where the new mom can create a tote to carry her newborn's many essentials. The party possibilities and themes are endless and fun.

For more information, please contact:

Kimberly Wilson, Consultant
Home: 808-744-1892
Cell: 808-256-3437
1036 Tennesse St
Honolulu, HI 96818

Get the party started!!!

Kimberly Wilson is a proud member of the Hawaii WAHMs team.


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Jul 1, 2008

Rediscover Makiki! Sunset in the Park

Have you spent time in Makiki lately? Makiki is a beautiful oasis in the center of urban Honolulu and the Office of Representative Della Au Delatti is working in partnership with the City & County of Honolulu and the Friends of the Makiki Library to reintroduce you to Makiki with a 2 day celebration.

This celebration is called "Rediscover Makiki! Sunset in the Park". It happens on July 24, 4 pm to 10 pm and July 26, 10 am to 10 pm at Makiki District Park. This event will be full of ono food, local entertainment, movies in the park, activities for keiki and adults as well as farmers and crafters marketplaces. No admission will be charged!

Featured activities include:

  • Makiki Community Library Tours to celebrate the re-opening of the Makiki library.
  • Honolulu Sustainability Fair to learn more about technological advances and what Hawaii is doing in the area of energy and sustainability.
  • Hui O Makiki's Citizens' Resource Center: Makiki's citizen action group will help you navigate the governments many services.
  • Keiki Activity Center for art activities, including a coloring contest, face-painting, and so
    much more!
  • Recreational Park Activities including a basketball tournament and a synchronized swimming performance.
  • Entertainment: Storytellers, magicians, clowns, and musicians.
The goal of Rediscover Makiki is to share the vision for a better greener future and re-introduce residents to the newly renovated Makiki Community Library while building awareness about all the wonderful programs and facilities available at Makiki Park.

Thank you to Rediscover Makiki coordinator, Ms. B. Fo, for sharing this wonderful information with us.
p.s. Also visit for "jewelry with just the right amount of sparkle"

Jun 30, 2008

Hawaii Bargain Moms

Lilaguide is a social network of mothers from cities all over the U.S. sharing parenting resources, advice and friendship. We are fortunate to have our own Hawaii group called Hawaii Bargain Moms created for moms living in Hawaii that are watching their wallets and looking for great deals on grocery shopping, dining out, entertainment, childrens activities, etc. This group, however, is not exclusive to Hawaii residents, Hawaii Bargain Moms has also opened membership to those who may be visiting the islands soon and would like to know how to save in Hawaii. I'm proud to say that this new Lilaguide group was created by our own (very busy) Hawaii WAHM member, known as cas808. For those looking for a group that comes with rewards attached, this is the group for you!

Emphasizing the word "bargain", Lilaguide is offering the first 10 members of this group a $5.00 gift card from Target. There are only 3 openings left so you had better hurry and join! Better yet, share your opinion with other moms and write 10 reviews of products, services, restaurants, etc. and you will receive another $5.00 Target gift card. I recently received my gift cards in the mail!

If you are still looking for more savings, freebies and money saving deals, you must visit cas808's Hawaii Money Saving Mama blog for hints, tips and links.

Jun 18, 2008

Please Pass A Berry Ice Cube

It's getting hot around here and a Berry Ice Cube sounds like a perfect summer time treat -- it's refreshing, healthy and a good source of Vitamin C. Here is how to make it (thanks to a recipe from Kuakini Health System).

Berry Ice Cubes

  • 12 ounces Fresh or Frozen Strawberries
  • 1 1/2 Cups Orange Juice
  • 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Blueberries
  • 1 Ripe Banana

Combine ingredients in a blender, puree until smooth. Pour mixture into ice cube trays. Place trays in freezer for about 2 hours of until the mixture hardens. Ice cubes may be frozen up to 4 weeks.

Yield: 2 ice cube trays


Here's a easy favorite in our household -- frozen bananas on a stick. Just cut ripe bananas in half. Insert a popsicle stick in the cut side. Wrap with plastic wrap. Freeze. Enjoy!!! You can get fancy by adding a chocolate shell and nuts but we enjoy it best in this very simple way.

Jun 17, 2008

Summer Reading Program at Hawaii's Public Libraries

Here is a wonderful, FREE and educational opportunity available to everyone this summer. It's the 2008 Summer Reading Program located at all Hawaii Public Libraries. From now until July 12, 2008, children, teens and adults are encouraged to visit your community library and sign up for the reading program. Read one book a week and receive a fun gift. Infant and toddlers can participate by having an adult read to them.

Here is a list of what you can win:

  • Infant/Toddler and Children prizes -- Pro Bowl Disposable Cameras; Quaker Chewy 90 Calorie Bars; Diamond Bakery Animal Crackers; Catch the Reading Bug pencils and tattoos; Keiki's First Board books; Doorhangers and Stickers; Refracto and Rubber Rulers; Protractors.
  • Teen -- Gel Writer Pens; Mechanical Pencils; Twister Stick Erasers; Nature Valley Chewy Trail Mix bars.
  • Adult -- sign up for prize drawings.

This statewide reading enrichment program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii, National Football League Charities, McDonald's Restaurants of Hawaii, First Insurance Company of Hawaii, Diamond Bakery, and the University of Hawaii Outreach College's Statewide Cultural Extension Program.

For more information, please visit and also check out the other library services available to you.

Jun 11, 2008

Career & Life Balance for the wahm

Even WAHMs struggle with career and life balance - and more so than not - they get by on less than equipped home offices, and a lack of access to sophisticated software and hardware. We're often bootstrappers at best - rolling together the day-to-day tasks of our family lives and home businesses into one where time management could mean a tight schedule like: drop kids to school, deliver product to clients, schedule kids dentist appointments, pickup kids at soccer, stop by grocery store, make dinner for the family, bathe & put kids to bed, work on next month's promotions...

In particular, I've been challenged by my addiction to Outlook which I have in my "regular" job to manage contacts, emails, events, tasks and colleague collaboration. In contrast, while at home - I utilize my yahoo calendar, yahoo address book and often the good 'ol pad of scratch paper near the kitchen phone to jot down to do lists, reminders, and the lot. So for me the missing piece for sure was the digitally equipped task and to do list. I may have found my solution in a new software release by 37signals -- Highrise. This web-based software is a scaleable solution for an online contact manager and simple CRM. Now allowing me to keep track of who my business talks to, what was said, and what to do next. A variety of pricing schedules are available and even a completely FREE option which can be upgraded as your needs change and business grows. Other features include: the ability to enter and review notes from calls, meetings, emails, conversations, etc. in a basic CRM; Set up email and mobile phone reminders to get things done; and customize the page with my logo/brand colors.

It has the feel of a big business tool for the small business and I believe it's a great resource especially for the WAHM. I'll be managing our wahm business tasks on Highrise as well as the business of keeping our home lives in order. Now if I could only find that extra set of hands to do the laundry...

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Jun 6, 2008

Another Father's Day Gift Idea from Cello in a Box

Here is another Father's Day gift idea from Cello in a Box. Using a dollar store toolbox just for the container - we taped the lid from the top open to the base then filled with great things that dad loves giving him lots to open in cello. We rolled a magazine up and tied with ribbon then filled cello bags with tools, munchies, a CD, playing cards.Don't forget to put in dad's favorite treats, like candy, drinks, maybe he would even need some new tools at that! :-) This is simply adorable!

A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs Team

Jun 4, 2008

$2.99 Books for Dads

More Father's Day gift ideas...have Dad relax with great books.

Book Closeouts is having a summer reading sale. They have marked down a great list of titles perfect for "fun summer-time reading". All the titles in this sale have been marked down to $2.99 throughout the month of June. Get a book for yourself too!

Jun 3, 2008

Father's Day Special with Pure Aloha Botanicals

Father's Day is right around the corner and if you're looking for special gift to give to that wonderful man in your life, here is a great gift idea from Pure Aloha Botanicals.

Sky's the Limit - Shave balm, shave gel, and body wash set - packed with botanicals like Aloe, Green tea and also Vitamin E. reg. $63 on sale for $50.

Nutrimen C set - REveal exfoliating wash, REstoring Toner, REsurface shave gel, REality Moisturizing Sunscree SPF 8 and a bonus Anti-aging Lip Saver chapstick with SPF 30 - reg. $126 for these 5 products on sale for $100.

To find our more about these specials, please contact Yvette Kama, Arbonne Independent Consultant, by email. To view other Arbonne products and specials, please visit this link.

A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs team

Jun 2, 2008

Blogging is Cheap Therapy

Many find blogging to be "cheap therapy". It is a way to vent your feelings and share your thoughts and ideas without having to pay someone to listen and hopefully get feedback and support for that voice in your head.

If you sometimes feel like you need to say something but want to do it anonymously, here is a site you may like. It is called "Anonymous Mom". No judgements, no advice, no husbands,children or even your own mother finding you. Simply your own place to let it all hang out!

Anonymous Thoughts...Anonymous Dreams...Anonymous Stories

Your secrets are safe with us

Share your story

May 28, 2008

Mommy Care

Yesterday at the doctor's office, I noticed a lot of women bringing kids in for an appointment or accompanying an elderly family member. I, too, was running around and bringing in my child for a doctor's visit after picking up another one early from school. Sometimes mommies get so busy caring for our family that we forget to take care of our own health. We get our dose of morning coffee and off we go! I wanted to let you know of a free magazine subscription issued by Kapiolani Medical Center announcing the lastest in women's health issues. Read about weight management, healthy recipes, doctor check-ups and get a listing of classes that include skin care & beauty, excercise, massage, stress management and more. Some of the classes are free while others require a small registration and/or supply fee.

You can get your subscription here at or by calling 535-7000.

Find time to take care of yourself...

May 24, 2008

Having a Green Summer

If you are looking for a fun Eco-Adventure activity for your child this summer, consider the Green House's EcoExplorer Adventure Club. The Green House is located at 224 Pakohana St. in Pauoa Valley and was started in 2004 by Betty Gearen. During the year, Betty offers classes to adults and children teaching everyone about earth conservation through projects that include worm composting, creating solar ovens, butterfly gardens and more.

We are lucky that this year the Green House is offering this fun summer program that includes

...five fun-filled weeks of hands-on environmental education that will inspire within students an ethic of stewardship for the world around them. The EcoExplorer Adventure Club is geared for children ages 5 through 12. They will spend each week exploring a range of topics designed to give students an appreciation for their environment and an awareness of their impact. Each week covers a new theme, and weekly enrollment options are available if families choose not to take the full five- week course. Our Green House teachers will create a safe learning community with a maximum of 15 children per session: a ratio of five children per teacher. Hands-on learning projects include planting a garden, building a solar oven, making a compost pile, building a wormery, making art using recycled items, and more! Join the fun this summer at The Green House!

Program dates: June 17 - July 17
Program days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Program hours: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Ages: 5 - 12 years

For more information, please contact:

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May 23, 2008

Hawaii Gas Prices Getting You Down?

Here I am, grumbling again, about gas prices. Yes, the cost of fuel is getting me down! The last time I checked the Honolulu Star Bulletin poll, it showed that 317 out of 674 voters (0r 47.03%) would continue to drive no matter what gas costs. I'm not included in that group. Many others are already changing to other mean of transportation. I'd like to be in that group but haven't figured out a "convenient" way to do that yet. For those of us who are constantly on the go -- doing chores, driving and picking up kids/family members from activities around the clock and hauling around canopies, coolers, bikes, etc. to events, the thought of giving up our vehicles seems like an impossible dream. In the meantime, we can make use of these fuel saving tips provided by

Avoid High Speeds: As your speed increases, your aerodynamic drag increases in an exponential fashion. Driving 62 mph (100 km/h) vs 75 mph (120 km/h) will reduce fuel consumption by about 15%.

Do Not Accelerate or Brake Hard: By anticipating the traffic and applying slow steady acceleration and braking, fuel economy may increase by as much as 20%.

Keep Tires Properly Inflated: Keep tire air pressure at the level recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. A single tire under inflated by 2 PSI, increases fuel consumption by 1%.

Use A/C Sparingly: When the air conditioner is on it puts extra load on the engine forcing more fuel to be used (by about 20%). The defrost position on most vehicles also uses the air conditioner.

Keep Windows Closed: Windows open, especially at highway speeds, increase drag and result in decreased fuel economy of up to 10%.

Service Vehicle Regularly: Proper maintenance avoids poor fuel economy related to dirty air filters, old spark plugs or low fluid levels.

Use Cruise Control: Maintaining a constant speed over long distances often saves gas.

Avoid Heavy Loads: Remove the sand bags from your trunk in the spring and pack lightly for long trips.

Avoid Long Idles: If you anticipate being stopped for more than 1 minute, shut off the car. Restarting the car uses less fuel than letting it idle for this time.

Purchase a Fuel Efficient Vehicle: When buying a new vehicle examine the vehicle's rated fuel efficiency. Usually choosing a small vehicle with a manual transmission will provide you with great fuel economy.

Happy Driving!

Search for gas prices by US Zip Code

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May 19, 2008

Forever Yours

Creative Memories consultants help you capture your life's stories so they can be retold in photo-safe scrapbook albums.

Throughout the month of May, Evie at Creative Memories has a special offer where you can receive free products for every order you place of $350 or more. Each week Evie will offer a new gift and a new opportunity!

Here's a little more about Evie and Creative Memories:

I've been with Creative Memories for a year. I have been scrapbooking for several years and fell in love with the Creative Memories products. I have three kids and for me this is a wonderful way of preserving the memories for them!

I think my Creative Memories experience as an opportunity to meet new peole with like interests. It's so fun to get together with a bunch of friends - old and new - hang out together and create pages. It seems like you feed off of each others creative juices! We scrap, we chat, and we laugh while accomplishing our goal of creating pages, gifts, and documenting our lives and our family lives!

Through Creative Memories, I can offer you a different way to approach scrapbooking that leads to completed album and to personal satisfaction and pride.

My Website is designed to help you enjoy the Creative Memories experience. But, it's through the support and assistance from me, that you will find it easiest to complete albums and achieve your dream of sharing your photos and memories with you family and friends. Give me a call or send me an e-mail. I can't wait to help!

A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs Team

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May 16, 2008

It's Aloha Friday & Saturday & Sunday

Kailani over at Island Life has an Aloha Friday meme that we are participating in. Being that Friday evening is approaching, feel free to add your comments and link throughout the weekend. We'd love to hear from you ~ especially you Hawaii WAHMs out there (hint! hint!). Please remember to visit the website or blog of our friends who respond. Have a wonderful weekend!

Here's the question: What are your 5 favorite scents or smells?

May 12, 2008

Come Join the MommyFest Party!

This year, for the first time, our Hawaii WAHMs blog is participating in the 2008 MommyFest Blog Party. What a great way to interact with other moms and share ideas and thoughts!

From the MommyFest Blog:

"MommyFest will be on May 12-16, 2008 and moms all over the net will be blog hopping through other participating mom blogs. We will have a list of participants in a special post in the Mommyfest 2008 blog with Mr. Linky. Moms will have an opportunity to meet, learn a bit more, share and chat with other moms in cyberspace."

Detailed information is found on

MommyFest has begun! Come join us for great prizes and great fun. Participants, feel free to post a comment and leave your web/blog link with us.

May 8, 2008

Offering Solutions to Former Aloha Airlines Employees

"Primerica offers solutions to help families eliminate crippling debt from their household finances and save more of their hard-earned money for the future." Read more.

Many of us were shocked and saddened to hear about the demise of Aloha Airlines. Aloha Airlines was founded in 1946 and had its final day of operations on March 31, 2008 leaving some 1,900 employees out of work in this already challenged economy. After 61 years, Aloha Airlines was a household name and had a loyal following of customers.

On May 21, 2008, Primerica Financial Services is having a Primerica Aloha Airlines Night. Former employees of Aloha Airlines in need of financial direction are invited to go to this special presentation. Learn about business opportunities, Primerica services and get a FREE Financial Needs Analysis. There is no obligation to purchase any products. Everyone can have an analysis tailored to his/her financial needs that will help guide them during this tumultuous time.

Here is the information -

Date: May 21, 2008
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Primerica Financial Services, 1024 Mapunapuna Street, Suite 200, Honolulu, 96819-4417
Phone : 832-1100
Reservations: 781-9641.

Also open to the general public.

J. Shimasaki, Representative
A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs team

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May 6, 2008

"No Say Dat!"

How many times have you told your keiki, "Hey! No Say Dat!"? Well now, a local stay-at-home mom has creatively made a game from these infamous words and it is now available to you, your friends and family to play at potlucks, parties and home. "NO SAY DAT!" is a team game in which players get points for guessing places, people, events, or terms without saying the "Zzzz" words. You get 4 games in one and various editions to choose from including the money saving power point and PDF editions.

“No Say Dat!” games are for everyone on your gift list:

  • Kamaaina moving to the mainland – Local or Hana Hou edition
  • Graduating seniors – Local edition
  • Kids on summer break – Keiki/Visitor edition
  • High school and college students studying for exams – NSD template to create a fun way to study
  • “No Say Dat!” games are unique, nostalgic gifts that are simple and play-anywhere fun.

After purchasing a game and writing a review on the Local Kine Games forum, you can get $5 off your next game!

Visit Local Kine Games for more information.


A member of the Hawaii WAHMs team.

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Apr 30, 2008

Giveway: Spring Wreath

I'm having a giveaway for this Spring Wreath. If you want more information, please go to my Keiki Gifts Blog for more details.

Contest begins today and ends on May 8. Good luck!

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Apr 29, 2008

Kid's Korner - Only In Hawaii!!

Enjoy an "only in Hawaii" shopping experience at Kid's Korner. Here you will find an array of exceptional products including developmental toys for keiki, fun accessories like knick-knacks and backpacks, home furnishing and practical gifts for mom. All products have been kid tested by Kid's Korner's VP of Inspiration and mommy approved.

Kid's Korner has an online site for your year-round shopping convenience and if you'd like to see some of the great products for yourself, Kid's Korner will be appearing at the following locations:

Apr 30 & May 1, 2008, Wed & Thursday
Hawaii's "Bigger & Better" Gift & Craft Fairs
TOPA (AMFAC) 20th Floor
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

May 10, 2008, Saturday
Moanalua High School
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs Team,

Apr 25, 2008

Feeling Good at Punahele Scents

Punahele Scents, a locally founded ecommerce shop, has a large variety of products that are widely available on the mainland but are unique here in Hawaii. Some of these products include single serving size packets of Hazelnut Milkshake Mix, Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper Bella Bar for shaving, shampooing and cleansing the body and a personal favorite, a multitude of Bath and Body Scents that will surely lift your spirit.

Right now on sale at Punahele Scent's Scented Tub store is the Black Raspberry Vanilla Oatmeal Soap & 4oz Whipped Body Creme for just $15.75. Shipping is included. The Black Raspberry Vanilla is a luscious blend of deep, ripe berries warmed with a touch of sweet, creamy vanilla. Sounds absolutely delicious and would make great gifts for Mother's Day.

A Member of the Hawaii WAHMs Team.

Apr 23, 2008

Doing the Right Thing...

Driving along the 2 lane Moanalua Road. Traffic is crawling. Up ahead, cars are switching lanes. A woman is in the Ewa Bound left lane next to her stalled car. She is on her cell phone. She wipes tears from her eyes and shrugs apologetically to someone in a car creeping next to her. Cars are passing alongside her and soon I too am passing her. Should I stop and help? What can I do? Where will I park my car so I too won't block traffic? What about my kids in the car? Feeling extremely guilty I pass her by. Gratefully in my rear view mirror I see two big guys jump out of a van. Their parked van now blocks the only open lane of road and traffic behind them is at a stand still. I bet no one would dare yell at those big guys! I cannot see what else is going on but I am sure that the woman and her car has been pushed to a much safer place...thanks to the nice guys that came to her rescue. I feel horrible for not helping out this poor woman...but I couldn't leave my kids in the car on a busy street...but I couldn't do much else except maybe comfort her while creating more traffic problems...I can't help but think, "Did I do the right thing?" What would you have done?

Other thoughts:

I just paid $35.00 for half a tank of gas! Must think about downsizing my vehicle or riding TheBus! Convenience or cash?

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